The Abyssinian Valley Chicken.. Lays eggs twice a day, and raising it generates 10 thousand pounds every 3 months
A bird that confuses those who see it for the first time. It may be confused with the turkey, or the peacock. However, it is a type called the Abyssinian Valley Chicken, or the African Chicken, or the Pharaoh Chicken.
Despite its many names, and the colors of its feathers between black, gray, and white, there is a general agreement on the quality of its meat and eggs because they are free of cholesterol, and the low cost of raising it, according to Engineer Mina Moheb, the owner of a project to raise this type.
Advantages of the Abyssinian Valley Chicken
Mina Moheb told Al-Watan: "Raising the Abyssinian Valley Chicken does not require high costs, as it does not require feeding. It can feed on any green plant, such as clover and grass, and it also eats leftover food at home." Engineer Mina Moheb continued, "This type of chicken is characterized by its strong immunity and resistance to diseases; compared to local or white chicken, which means avoiding the risk of its death due to diseases such as bird flu or others...". He pointed out that "this type of chicken is considered an egg producer; at a rate of two eggs per day", explaining that "the chicken becomes productive at the age of 6 months, and its maximum weight is 2 kilograms. The price of a chick is 80 pounds, and a 2-kilogram chicken costs 450 pounds". According to "Moheb", who attributed the high price to the chicken's features on the one hand, and the scarcity of its breeding in Egypt on the other hand, saying: "If its breeding is expanded, this will lead to increased production, lower prices, and abundant quantities of eggs".
He stated that "raising 10 roosters and hens generates a profit of 10 thousand pounds within 3 months, and the profit comes from the proceeds of selling eggs and chicks."