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space2022Why Space?

1200 Exhibitors dedicated to all animal production branches

All the solutions you need in terms of Equipment , Feed, premixes,....

Space will be welcoming you next year from 12 to 14 September 2023


lallemand space22

تحدث الدكتور جو أبي جوده عن شركة لالمان وعن تأمين  سلامة الغذاء سلامة الهضم والصحة العامة، كما ودعا كل من يهمه الأمر للتواصل معه لمعرفة كيفية الحصول على  نفس كمية الانتاج مع كمية علف أقل  

على الرغم من كل التحديات التي نواجهها في عالم اليوم بدءًا بفيروس Covid-19 ، إلى متطلبات التأشيرات وحظر السفر، فإنّ MEAP هنا لتغطية هذا العرض الرائع SPACE 2022

حخعمفثؤ سخشؤث22

 جناح شركة بولتيك لمعدات الدواجن التي تشارك للمرة الأولى في معرض سباس  

على الرغم من كل التحديات التي نواجهها في عالم اليوم بدءًا بفيروس Covid-19 ، إلى متطلبات التأشيرات وحظر السفر، فإنّ MEAP هنا لتغطية هذا العرض الرائع SPACE 2022!

altilis Space22Ms Louise and  Mr Philippe Le Ny introducing in few words Altilis field of work and actions in the Middle East.

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

aviagen space22Mr. Jean-Luc Favennec - ME&NA Area manager speaks about the activity of Aviagen Turkey in the Middle East and North Africa region .

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

cobb space22Mr Mattew Wilson introducing in few words Cobb field of work and its interest in the Middle East region. They will be present as usual at Agrena, and Riyadh shows

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

facco space 22

Mr. Renato Babolin - NA Area manager speaks about the activity of Facco in the Middle East and North Africa region .

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!


lallemand space22Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

lubing Space22Mr Frédéric Senechal introducing in few words Lubing company.

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

mixscience space22Mr David Mathe- Middle East business manager explains the field of work , mission and innovations of Mixscience company.

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!


ntd space22MEAP meets NTD France which is a well known family company specialized in poultry equipments.

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

Riva Space22Mr Nicola Bonetti speaking about the Riva Selegg company.

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

sanovo space22Sanovo showed a big interest in the Middle East due to its wide market share and has open an office in Dubai and will be participating in the Riyadh show in october.

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

sipsa space22Next to the Sipsa show the organizers are very excited for the Agrofood Show which will be taking place from 22 to 25 May 2023 and which will be covering new african markets.

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

ska space2022Hereby Mr Federico Balasso introducing a glimpse of SKA's field of work

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

victoria space2022Mr Massimo Colombo export manager of Victoria incubators expresses his happiness to be back again after the COVID and introduces some information about the company's new plans.

Despite all the challenges that we are facing in today’s world from starting with Covid-19, to visa requirements and travel bans, MEAP is here to cover this remarkable show of SPACE 2022!

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