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MEAP organized a round table on the first day of Agrena Exhibition to discuss : "Arab Exhibitions: Pros and Cons"

Mr Ghassan Sayegh, MEAP general manager invited Dr Mona Mehrez - Egypt Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Animal, Fish and Poultry Resources, Ms Anneke Van Rooijen - VIV worldwide manager delegations, Dr Nabil Darwish - Chairman of Egyptian Poultry Association, Mr Toni Freijeh - Al Wadi Holding general manager, Mr Moussa Wakileh - USSEC MENA regional consultant, Dr Turki Sarakbi - Sarvet general manager, Mr Mohammed Soufi snd Mr Khaled Abdel Monhim - Agrena organizers.

They discussed several issues related to the exhibition organization and the poultry industry.

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