
Bovine and Ovine Magazine

Bovine and Ovine Magazine



Established in 1995, Bovine & Ovine  MIDDLE EAST & NORTH  AFRICA is the leading Arabic magazine of its kind in the world.

It is published every three months and distributed throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Each issue is printed in a run of 25000 copies.
The distribution breakdown, per issue, for theBovine & Ovine MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA magazine during 2024 was as follows:

Subscribers in the Middle East and North Africa 22,580
Subscribers in American and European countries 1,200
Subscribers in other countries (including Turkey, Iran…) 1,500
Extra copies distributed in the Regional & International Poultry Fairs 2,500
Extra free copies through our representatives 2,150
TOTAL 29,437



 SUBSCRIBERS, divided by countries and professional backgrounds


ds vets01

ds farmers01

ds integrated01

ds tecno01

ds institutions01

ds total01

Egypt 2708 850 283 660 802 5303
Lebanon 143 100 133 200 79 655
Syria 12 14 40 10 72 148
Jordan 900 700 230 330 189 2349
Iraq 520 302 158 120 255 1355
KSA 1092 380 330 400 590 2792
Sudan 135 160 63 94 120 572
Other GCC 318 483 103 189 510 1603
Palestine 5 10 3 - 10 28
Algeria 191 301 58 96 258 904
Libya 95 107 19 50 148 419
Tunisia 128 150 6 89 96 469
Morocco 177 199 49 91 98 614
TOTAL 6062 7061 1576 2426 5455 22580
Agr.Eng & Vets: including agriculture engineers and veteranians.
Farmers:  including all farmers (Graduates or not)
Intergated: Integrated poultry groups: including Breeders, hatcheries and integrated farms.
Techno-Com.: including commercial agencies, and technico-commercial agents.
Institutions: These figures include government institutions, associations, universities and others.

 Main Topics of 2025

  • Bovine respiratory disease
  • Mastitis in dairy herd
  • Horse husbandary
Apr- Jun:
  • Genetic selection for improved milk production
  • Feed additives related problems in cattle 
  • Camel breeding
  • Bovine spongiform encephalopathy disease
  • Good management practices in dairy farms
  • Best ventilation practices
  • Foot and mouth disease
  • Acidosis and rumen health in cows
  • Sheep and goat breeding

- All materials should be received at the beginning of the month preceding the issue date (for example Jan- Mar materials should be received beginning of December)
- «Bovine & Ovine Middle East & North Africa» will cover the most important International and regional fairs in 2025.


 Magazine's Technical Data

Dimensions: 20.4 x 26.6 cm
Line screen size: 19 x 26 cm 
Bleed size: 21.4 x 27.6 cm 
Trim size: 20.4 x 26.6 cm 
Paper: Coated 90 grams 
Printing process: Offset 
Lines per inch: 120-150 I.p.i
Cover:  Coated 200-250 grams 4 colors - UV covering outside.
The files should be compatible with Adobe Photoshop and PDF.

Hard-copy Advertisement Rates

Page size Description Size (W x H cm) U.S.$ 
1/1 page Inside cover 20.4 x 26.6 4000
1/1 page Inside page 20.4 x 26.6 3600
2/3 page Horizontal 18.0 x 16.0 2700
2/3 page Vertical 12.0 x 23.0 2700
1/2 page Horizontal 18.0 x 12.0 2350
1/2 page Vertical 09.0 x 23.0 2350
1/3 page Horizontal 18.0 x 8.0 1600
1/3 page Vertical 6.0 x 23.0 1600
1/4 page Horizontal 18.0 x 6.0 1350
1/4 page Vertical 9.0 x 12.0 1350
1/8 page Square 6.0 x 6.0 850

 Digital Advertisement Rates 

Website prices (In US Dollars)

Our website page (https://www.meap.net), with its responsive design, is one of the most visited Poultry Website covering the Pan-Arab regions. The "actual" or "live" number of visitors accessing the website, at the same time as you, is displaced on the right column of your PC monitor or on the bottom of your mobile screen.

Our daily average visitors during 2024 was around 425 visitors per day.

  Price in US $ for a period of W x H 
Advert Position 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year Size in Px
Top Banner 1000 1800 4000 6000 400x100
Gold Sponsor 500 900 2000 3000 150x75
Sponsors 350 600 1350 2000 150x75
Buy & Sell Free Free Free Free 200x300
Shows and conferences Free Free Free Free 500x120
Hardcopy advertisers would get complimentary digital advertising.  

  Price in US $ for a period of W x H

Advert Position

1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year Size in Px
Banner between the articles 200 340 420 500 1000 x 200
Premium sponsor (first logos) 150 300 315 450 75 x 75
Sponsor (logo on the bottom of the newsletter) 100 170 210 250 75 x 75
Continuity offer
 Regular advertisers placing ads in all issues of the magazine year after year with no interruption are not subject to the yearly increase in advertising rates.


Head Office:

BEIRUT - LEBANON. MEAP - P.O. Box: 90/1170 Jdeidet El Metn
Metn 1202-2090 Lebanon Tel:(+961) 1 896478 (+961) 1 897259
Website: https://www.meap.net

 Department Contact person  Email box address
Administration Ms. Maha Abdallah عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.
Marketing and sales Ms. Amal Makhoul عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.
Editor in Chief Ms. Myriam Saleh عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.
Articles (Scientific content) Ms. Rita Tohme عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.
Subscriptions and distribution Ms. Cendrella Wehbeh عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

Liaison offices

 United Arab Emirates:
      Nutreema Advertising (L.L.C.) ​
      Mrs. Rima Sayegh Janho ​
      Dahi Khalfan Tamim Bldg.
      Deira Al-Garhoud - Dubai ​
      Tel: + 971 4 2959969 ​
      Mobile: +971 50 6243634 ​
      E-mail: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

     Mr. Ghassan A. sayegh
Strada Canova, 52 ​
      I- 46047 Porto Mantovano (MN) ​
      Mobile: +393479907078 ​
      E-mail: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.​ 

      Dr. Fadi A. Sayegh
      39 bis Bd Exelmans (75016 Paris).
      E-mail: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

      MEAP CYPRUS Ltd.
      P.O. Box: 51825 Limassol 3508 ​
      E-mail:عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.